Valuable blend composed of only Arabica coffee carefully selected from the best crops of Central America, gives Gran Gusto pleasant fruity and fresh notes with a slight acidity enhanced by delicate roasting. Very aromatic and sweet.
Mixture of selected coffees from the best African, Asian and central American crops characterized by an excellent body enhanced by slow and dark roasting. The Arabica touch gives Ristretto a strong flavor, a persistent cream, delicate toasted and cocoa notes.
Best Before: 31/1/2024
Premium blend Soft and round; the skillful blend of selected coffee with high percentage of Arabica origins gives Gran Crema a full, soft and silky taste with pleasant roasted notes.
characterized by perfect harmony between body and sweetness.
Mixture of selected coffees from the best Crops, characterized by an excellent body enhanced by slow and dark roasting. Characterized Balanced aroma, Sweet Cocoa Note, High Intensity
Intensity 9
60% Arabica 40% Robusta
مزيج متميز من أفضل أنواع القهوة المختارة من أفضل المحاصيل يتميز بالتحميص البطيء والداكن. تضفي لمسة الأرابيكا على الريستريتو نكهة قوية، وكريمه غنيه، بالاضافه الي التحميص العالي المتميز ونكهة الكاكو الذيذة
The Super Crema coffee blend offers a full-bodied, harmonious experience, with notes of roasted hazelnut and brown sugar. Enjoy the harmony of a Lavazza espresso.
Pack of 1 Kilogram
Premium blend Soft and round; the skillful blend of selected coffee with high percentage of Arabica origins gives Premium Beans a full, soft and silky taste with pleasant Chocolate notes.
characterized by perfect harmony between body ,sweetness and Balanced aroma
Intensity 7
80% Arabica 20% Robusta
مزيج متميز؛ يتكون من بن أرابيكا باعلي نسبه, مختار بعناية من أفضل المحاصيل المختاره ، وتجمع حبوب بريميم بين التحميص المتوازن ونكهة الشكولاته المميزه
Valuable blend composed of the best crops of Beans, gives Gold Beans pleasant floral and Sweet notes with enhanced by delicate roasting. Very aromatic and sweet. Aroma : Medium Intensity , Floral, Sweet
Intensity 8
70% Arabica 30% Robusta
المزيج المتميز للقهوة مع نسبة عالية من بن أرابيكا ، يمنح طعمًا كاملاً وخفيفا مع مذاق محمص لطيف. يتميز بالمزيج الرائع بين الطعم الحلو والقوام الغني, تحميص متوسط
Cremoso Oro Must Espresso Italiano – Blend of roasted coffee beans 250 g
The real Italian espresso, intense and creamy, with a strong personality. A blend of African and Brazilian coffee beans with warm and intense notes. Extra creamy and velvety texture.